Chapter 57: About alternatives to control



(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I can’t believe that everything will work out even if I do nothing.                           

[ ]   I find it hard to let others handle their own problems.                                                                       

[ ]   I hate asking for help.

[ ]   If someone offers help I secretly question their motives.

[ ]   I find it hard to relax. 

[ ]   I rarely play.

[ ]   I keep my feelings to myself.

[ ]   My feelings embarrass me.

[ ]   I find it hard to listen to my body and follow its directions – to rest when tired, eat when hungry, take time off, say No, etc..

[ ]   I never take mental health days.

[ ]   I rarely base my decisions and choices on what feels right.                          

[ ]   I’m afraid to be myself with you.

[ ]   I’m afraid to let you be yourself with me.

[ ]   It is difficult for me to believe in mutuality — that what’s good for me will be good for you and vice versa. 

[ ]   I find it difficult to “let go and let God.”                   

[ ]   I get angry at God.

[ ]   I sometimes wonder if God is angry at me.

[ ]   I doubt there is a God.

Chapter 56: About self-care


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I pay more attention to the needs of others than my own.    

[ ]   I often overcommit or overextend myself.                 

[ ]   I find it difficult to say No to requests.

[ ]   If I want something done right I have to do it myself.                                                           

[ ]   I feel guilty spending money on myself.                     

[ ]   I feel guilty accepting help.

[ ]   I don’t get enough rest.

[ ]   I overeat, or eat too much junk food.

[ ]   I prefer to deal with my problems by myself.

[ ]   I rarely ask for help.

[ ]   I suffer from stress-related medical problems – headaches, backaches, gastrointestinal ailments, exhaustion, insomnia, frequent colds, etc..

[ ]   I look strong to others, but inside I feel helpless. 

[ ]   I live on the edge of feeling overwhelmed.


NEXT: About alternatives to control              

Chapter 55: About parenting


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I am a “helicopter” parent – anxious, hypervigilant, and/or overprotective.                        

[ ]   I worry that my parenting is not good enough.           

[ ]   If my kids are unhappy, I’m unhappy. 

[ ]   If my kids are happy, I worry it will end.

[ ]   I take my kids’ problems and failures personally.                                                                                

[ ]   I’m reluctant to let my kids make bad choices or learn from their own  mistakes.                            

[ ]   I get hurt or enraged when my kids disagree with me or don’t do what I ask.

[ ]   When my kids disagree with me it feels like disloyalty or disrespect.                                  

[ ]   I criticize my kids in an attempt to be “helpful.”        

[ ]   I blame, threaten, coerce, beg, bribe, or use guilt to get my kids to comply with my wishes.

[ ]   I often feel unappreciated by my children.

[ ]   My kids complain that I try to control them.                                                 

[ ]   I secretly fear that my kids will reject or abandon me.                                                                    

[ ]   I grew up with controlling parents or grandparents.


NEXT: About self-care



Chapter 54: About self-worth


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I often fear being judged or rejected.                                                                       

[ ]   I hate making mistakes.

[ ]   When I make mistakes, I punish myself.                   

[ ]   I worry a lot about what other people think or feel about me.                                              

[ ]   I hunger for acceptance and approval.

[ ]   I question whether others love me.                            

[ ]   I question whether I am loveable.

[ ]   I worry that I’ll end up alone.                                      

[ ]   I get artificial feelings of self-worth from helping or rescuing others.

[ ]   I am burdened by shoulds.                             

[ ]   I am extremely sensitive to criticism.            

[ ]   I criticize myself constantly.

[ ]   I take everything personally.                                      

[ ]   I blame myself for everything.

[ ]   I apologize when there’s really no need to.   

[ ]   I dismiss or reject compliments and praise.

[ ]   I have a hard time making decisions.

[ ]   I can’t believe others can ever accept me as I am. 


NEXT: About parenting  

Chapter 53: About defenses


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I worry a lot.                                                              

[ ]   I tend to expect the worst.                                          

[ ]   I spend a lot of time imagining how other people see me.                                                    

[ ]   I often accept others’ view of me as my own.

[ ]   I hide the parts of me I think others will reject.         

[ ]   I tend to obsess about problems.                                

[ ]   I often pretend some of my most serious problems don’t exist.

[ ]   I am uneasy around authority figures – teachers, bosses, cops, doctors, therapists.

[ ]   Certain people or situations can trigger me into a panic.

[ ]   Despite all evidence to the contrary, I tend to believe that if I try hard enough and long enough I really can get control.


NEXT: About self-worth                                                                      

Chapter 52: About addictions


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I have used alcohol to manage feelings.                                            

[ ]   I have used drugs to manage feelings.                                                            

[ ]   I have used food to manage feelings.                                                  

[ ]   I smoke or have smoked.

[ ]   I often overwork or am compulsively busy.  

[ ]   I often get lost scrolling on my cell phone.

[ ]   I use tv, video games or browsing on my computer to escape.

[ ]   I am addicted to social media.

[ ]   I am addicted to tv news.

[ ]   I have to follow my routine or I get anxious.

[ ]   I engage in other compulsive behavior that I see as problematic but cannot stop. 

[ ]  I understand that all addictions are an attempt to control feelings.


NEXT:  About defenses              

Chapter 51: About feelings


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I live in my head.                                                                               

[ ]   “How do you feel?” sounds like a trick question to me.

[ ]   I have trouble knowing what I feel.                                       

[ ]   I have trouble expressing what I feel.                                    

[ ]   My own feelings scare me.                

[ ]   Other people’s feelings scare me.      

[ ]   I assume that negative feelings (anxiety, sadness, anger, confusion) mean I’m doing

something wrong.

[ ]   I’m afraid if I let my anger out I may hurt someone.

[ ]   I’m afraid if I start crying I won’t be able to stop.

[ ]   I blame other people for how I feel.

[ ]   My feelings make me wonder if I’m sick or crazy.


NEXT:  About addictions                         

Chapter 50: About caretaking


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I am drawn to needy or unhappy people.

[ ]   Needy or unhappy people are drawn to me.                                      

[ ]   I feel responsible for the happiness of others.

[ ]   I tend to anticipate other people’s needs.                               

[ ]   It bothers me that other people don’t anticipate my needs more.                  

[ ]   I feel anxious or guilty when someone else has a problem.              

[ ]   I feel compelled to help others with their problems, even when they don’t want me to.                  

[ ]   I feel angry when my help isn’t welcomed.                   

[ ]   I feel angry when my help isn’t effective.                             

[ ]   I feel compelled to offer unsolicited opinions or advice.                                                      

[ ]   I pay more attention to the needs and feelings of others than my own.                                

[ ]   I feel selfish if I prioritize my needs and feelings over someone else’s. 

[ ]  I feel bored, empty or worthless when I’m not helping someone.                                        

[ ]   I feel safest when giving.                                                       

[ ]   I feel embarrassed or unworthy when others give to me.                      

[ ]   I end up resenting the people I caretake.


NEXT:  About feelings                          

Chapter 49: About people-pleasing


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I pride myself on being a nice person.

[ ]   I believe that I should always be nice.

[ ]   I find it hard to reject another person no matter how much they may deserve it.

[ ]   I probably go overboard in doing nice things for other people.

[ ]   It’s much easier for me to acknowledge negative feelings about myself than to express negative feelings toward others.

[ ]   When problems arise in my relationship I assume that I’m to blame.

[ ]   I really believe that nice people get the approval, affection and friendship of others.

[ ]   I don’t think it’s nice to express anger towards others.

[ ]   I feel guilty if I get angry or upset with people I love.

[ ]   I’m afraid that if I’m not nice to others I will be ignored, rejected or punished in some way.

[ ]   I believe I should always be nice, even if it means allowing others to take advantage of

my good nature.

[ ]   Being nice and doing things to please others is my way of protecting myself from

rejection, disapproval and abandonment.

[ ]   I tend confuse guilt (the belief that I’ve done something wrong) with anxiety (fear of another’s anger or rejection).

[ ]   Sometimes I feel like I need to “buy” love and friendship by doing nice things to please others.

[ ]   Often being nice prevents me from expressing my true feelings towards others.

[ ]   I believe others would describe me as being polite, pleasant and agreeable.

[ ]   I think my friends should like me because of all the nice things I do for them.

[ ]   It is hard for me to believe that I can be myself and still be accepted and loved by others. 



NEXT:  About caretaking                                                        

Chapter 48: About relationships


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)




[ ]   Relationships are difficult for me.

[ ]   I have trouble feeling safe or comfortable with other people.

[ ]   I worry a lot about what others think of me.

[ ]   I find it difficult to trust or confide in others.

[ ]   I am more careful than spontaneous in relationships.

[ ]   I am a people pleaser.

[ ]   I exhaust myself trying to meet others’ expectations.

[ ]   I spend too much time with people who do not love, accept, or nurture me.

[ ]   I keep letting people hurt me.

[ ]   I often feel lonely.

[ ]   It often feels easier to be alone.

[ ]  I’m never sure how to answer the questions How do I have you without losing me? and

How do I have me without losing you?

[ ]   That question makes me realize how much time I’ve spent in monkeyships.


NEXT: About people-pleasing

Chapter 47: About family


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)




[ ]   I grew up in an alcoholic family.

[ ]   I grew up in a family with members who struggled with substance abuse or eating disorders.

[ ]   I grew up in a family with members who struggled with mental illness.

[ ]   I grew up in a family with members who struggled with chronic illness.

[ ]   I grew up in a family where abuse — emotional, physical or sexual — occurred.

[ ]   I grew up in a family where feelings were not expressed easily.

[ ]   I learned from my family not to expect validation of my feelings.

[ ]   My family was dysfunctional, but I pretend otherwise.

[ ]   One or both of my parents grew up in dysfunctional families.

[ ]   One or both of my parents struggled with depression or anxiety.

[ ]   I felt like a disappointment to my parents.

[ ]   I felt unloved by my parents.

[ ]   As a child I heard more criticism than praise.

[ ]   My family discouraged talking about problems.       

[ ]   Mine was a “looking good” family — we hid our problems from the world.

[ ]   My family valued success and punished faillure.   

[ ]   My parents acted as if my successes and failures were their own.

[ ]   My family regarded people who seek therapy as weak.

[ ]   I get anxious or defensive if someone suggests my current problems are related to my family. 

[ ]   When I sought therapy I kept it secret from my family.

NEXT: About relationships

Chapter 46: About boundaries


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)


[ ]   I tend to please others instead of myself.                                

[ ]   I have trouble saying No to requests or demands.

[ ]   I find it hard to not absorb other people’s feelings.               

[ ]   I feel controlled by other people’s anger.                             

[ ]   I will go out of my way to avoid conflict or disagreement.   

[ ]   In social situations I scan for danger.

[ ]   I have had sex when I didn’t want to.                        

[ ]   I have used sex to appease my partner or avoid conflict.                                                      

[ ]   It scares me to depend on other people.

[ ]   I accept unacceptable behavior.                                             

[ ]   I am loyal even when my loyalty is undeserved.                   

[ ]   I interpret rejection as implying something about me, not the rejector.  


NEXT:  About family


Chapter 45: About emotional problems


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I have struggled with anxiety.

[ ]   I have struggled with depression.

[ ]   I have struggled with substance abuse.

[ ]   I tend to forget (or never learned) that anxiety, depression and addiction are all symptoms of emotional constipation — i.e., overcontrolled feelings.

[ ]   I struggle with relationships.

[ ]   I struggle with parenting.

[ ]   I tend to be impatient.

[ ]   I am easily frustrated.

[ ]   I worry constantly.

[ ]  I carry a lot of anger.

[ ]   I carry a lot of sadness.

[ ]   I often feel insecure or inadequate.

[ ]   I don’t sleep well.

[ ]   I am often tired.

[ ]   I get sick easily.

[ ]   I have experienced a panic attack.

[ ]   People have told me they experience me as angry, irritable, critical, insensitive or nasty.

[ ]   I often feel stressed, pressured or chased.

NEXT: About relationships


Chapter 44: About internal controlling


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]   I am intolerant of my own mistakes, failures and weaknesses.                                             

[ ]   I often beat myself up.

[ ]   I feel burdened by shoulds.                                                                            

[ ]   I have trouble forgiving myself.                                                                     

[ ]   I tend to be perfectionistic.    

[ ]   I find it difficult to be spontaneous or playful.                                              

[ ]   I often guess at what normal feelings and behavior are.        

[ ]   I’m secretly proud of how hard I am on myself.


NEXT: About emotional problems                                  

Chapter 43: About external controlling


(This chapter is part of a self-assessment. For instructions on completing it, click here.)



[ ]  I avoid new or unfamiliar situations.                                                             

[ ]  I avoid meeting new people.                                                                          

[ ]  I avoid the unpredictable.

[ ] Disorder and disorganization make me anxious.                                           

[ ]  I dislike having to learn anything new.                                                          

[ ]  I dislike change.

[ ]  I get impatient with mistakes, failures and weaknesses in other people.  


NEXT: About internal controlling